A new Powerball lottery victor has emerged in the form of Saephan, who intends to share his newfound fortune with his wife, Duanpen, and their friend, Laiza Liem Chao. The substantial .3 billion jackpot, equivalent to 21 million in value, is one of the largest in US history, ranking Saephan among the top lottery winners.
The Winning Decision
Rather than opting for a 30-year annuity, the trio have chosen to receive their winnings as a lump sum. This choice, while providing immediate access to the winnings, can potentially result in winners moving into a higher tax bracket. For prize winnings over ,000, lottery agencies automatically withhold 24% for tax purposes. The exact amount withheld can fluctuate based on the state, as seen in Oregon where the rate is 8%.
The Joy of Winning
As a cancer patient, Saephan is looking forward to using a portion of his lottery winnings for medical treatments and ensuring the well-being of his family. A dream house is also on his shopping list with the lottery win. Despite his newfound wealth, Saephan, who has resided in Oregon for the past 30 years, has no intention of leaving.
The Lucky Ticket
The golden ticket, which catapulted Saephan into the realms of millionaires, was procured from a Plaid Pantry store in northeast Portland. The fateful draw took place on April 6, with the ticket bearing the winning numbers 22, 27, 44, 52, 69, and the red Powerball 9.
Even though his winnings are treated as income and are subject to both state and federal income tax, Saephan is still more than happy with his luck and looking forward to a brighter future.