Warning: Shopping at Target Could Now Take Half the Time – Here’s Why!

Warning: Shopping At Target Could Now Take Half The Time Here's Why!

Get ready for an expedited shopping experience as Target is set to introduce express self-checkout stations and increased traditional register options across the country. Express Self-Checkout at Target Come March 17, Target stores nationwide will begin providing express self-checkout options. Designed specifically for customers with less than ten items in their basket, this new initiative … Read more

Is Target About to Change the Game with Project Trident?

Is Target About To Change The Game With Project Trident

Target is all set to revolutionize the shopping experience for its customers by introducing a new membership program later this year, currently code-named Project Trident. A Welcome Addition: Shipt Target’s proposed membership scheme could incorporate the grocery delivery service, Shipt, which they acquired in 2017. This potential inclusion will surely enhance the convenience factor for … Read more